Financial Tools


Business tools for the implementation of investment plans
Development Law NSRF 2021-2027 Recovery and Resilience Facility


Development Law

Grants / Tax Exemptions / Subsidies for Financial Leasing / Subsidies for the Cost of Created Employment / Financing of Business Risk

The Development Law emphasizes strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups, the creation of innovative, outward-looking, and sustainable businesses, and the provision of grants to very small and small enterprises.

13 new regimes for granting state aid to investment plans have been established.

Investment plans falling under the Development Law must be initial investments and aim at:

The creation of a new unit, The expansion of the capacity of an existing unit, The diversification of a unit’s production into products or services that have never been produced by it before, or

A fundamental change in the entire production process of an existing unit. Depending on the type of investment, the size of the business, the regime, and the investment region, the aid can range from 30% to 75% of the project’s budget


NSRF 2021 2027

The NSRF 2021-2027 consists of 22 Programs, including 9 Sectoral and 13 Regional Programs:

The Sectoral Programs (Competitiveness, Human Resources and Social Cohesion, Digital Transformation, Environment and Climate Change, Transport, Civil Protection, Just Development Transition, Technical Assistance and Beneficiary Support, Fisheries, Aquaculture, and the Sea) focus on one or more sectors and are implemented nationwide.

The Regional Programs (Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Central Macedonia, Western Macedonia, Ionian Islands, Epirus, Thessaly, Central Greece, Attica, Western Greece, Peloponnese, Northern Aegean, Crete, Southern Aegean) correspond to each of the Greek Regions and include regionally targeted actions.

During the 2021-2027 period, 5 Territorial Cooperation Programs – Interreg are being implemented (Greece – Albania, Greece – Bulgaria, Greece – Cyprus, Greece – Italy, Greece – North Macedonia).


National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0"

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan “Greece 2.0” was approved on July 13, 2021, by the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Ecofin) of the European Union.

“Greece 2.0” includes 106 investments and 68 reforms, structured into four pillars, and mobilizes a total of €31.16 billion, of which €30.5 billion comes from European funds (€18.43 billion in grants and €12.73 billion in loans) to stimulate €60 billion in total investments in the country over the next five years.

The four pillars of the Recovery Plan are:

  1. Green Transition
  2. Digital Transition
  3. Employment, Skills, and Social Cohesion
  4. Private Investments and Economic Transformation

Business Investment Loans Loans from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) can cover up to 50% of the total eligible investment cost. Private business participation must cover at least 20%, while at least 30% must be financed through loans from credit institutions.

Grants The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) grants aim to finance sectoral private investments (tourism, agricultural investments, etc.